--- Comment #2 from Louis Lenders 2009-10-14 10:57:12 --- (In reply to comment #1)
I can't reproduce this. After installing dotnet20 with winetricks and then the app, I see the output reported in the bug 16418.
He, you're right... I ran the regression test on an existing .wine with some other stuff installed (my bad). With a clean .wine the bug is gone.
What is very strange though is this: i backed up that existing ~/.wine. When I move it back, i get the crash OutOfMemoryException. When I comment out HeapQueryInformation from kernel32.spec, the bug is gone.
However, when I run without above hack, a +relay log shows absolutely no call to HeapQueryInformation at all. This all makes no sense to me.
Dmitri, sorry for the noise, shall i resolve as invalid?