--- Comment #31 from oiaohm 2013-10-28 21:15:30 CDT --- Austin English --There is no 'policy' on what bugs are worked on. Contributors are volunteers, free to work on whatever interests them.--
And how will the new volunteers find there way to the bug if it not associated with the effected application. The answer is they don't easily.
Basically you have a person who is interested in X game/program where should they get a easy list of the open issues they may wish to work on. The appdb of course. Guess what is the problem here. Not associated no list for them.
This is why I say consider policy on this. By being policy it will get done.
I am not saying volunteers are not free to work on what interests them. I am just saying working on not associated is should basically be forbin. Simple fix associate application then you can work on it. Being associated might find a developer better suited to fix the problem as well.
JT --doesnt help when they REJECT the applications-- There has not been a comment in the about this. Or a bug in the bugzilla linked to the appdb. The forum moderator does have appdb approval rights. General issues the forum exists to sort out. Yes failing to create bug or appdb entries is general issues.
This is why I am so much for getting strict about this. I am guessing there are other problems and people are just not speaking up.
Issues cannot be fixed if everyone keeps on disregarding the problem. Another reason why bugzilla may be needed to be strict.
Not associated also makes my life hard doing support. New users have gone to the appdb and don't find out about the solutions either.
Yes I am sounding annoyed because this does annoy me and I want to know what is going wrong. I should not have be here yelling.
JT by your comment I should have heard from you in the forum or irc. Basically don't sweep problems under carpet. Sooner or latter someone looks under carpet and is pissed off.