--- Comment #5 from Robert Fairbrother 2012-11-10 14:49:27 CST --- if you dont have a facebook account or anything to do with those that host it it there is minimal liability for hacking into an account it all depends on what software there using and if you wrote the program and how the program works
*if the program does not officially disclaim that it is ellegal to use how is the user liable for its use (you could write a game that hacks xboxlive and plays with the other users and uses it own mock up copy of the game and if it was distributed officially/commercially yes the guy who wrote it would be in trouble)
*im in Canada and if you have a program that emits interference with someone else's communication's resulting in a loss of profit or money technically if they can prove that then you can be sued but only for the amount they can prove undeniably that you costed them so like 200.00$ lol unless they can pin whoever wrote the program witch if they use open source and do not sign there work and they distribute it out of there jacket pocket for a dollar per copy on the street good luck finding em lol
the only way to protect your program is to patch it against virulent functions and require that accounts be accessed by recognized programs eg firefox web browser otherwise it is a publicly accessible content on a public server open to receiving and transmitting communications to and from whatever interference generating device communication with it