--- Comment #182 from Alexey Loukianov 2012-06-13 07:39:30 CDT --- ae, sorry, but your English seems to be so bad so I can hardly understand what you write (and, TBH, your Russian isn't too good either - lots of grammar and spelling errors, but at least there are no problems with understanding the meaning of the sentences), but if I got your point correctly, by "whether is insufficiency of a functionality - an error?" you mean that this bug might be treated as a "feature request" for Wine to support OpenGL (and, possibly, Direct3D) rendering offloading into separate thread.
I can hardly believe that such enhancement - if implemented - would ever be accepted into Wine by core devs (AJ, Henri, Stefan, name other yourself) as it wouldn't be targeted at implementing native-specific behavior but rather implementing a set of "clever hacks, specific to a set of the apps it is targeted at". I might be wrong on this point, but in any case this bug remains invalid IMO - games in question (WoW, SC) seems not to be multicore-optimized, and utilize only one core when executed on both under native and Wine unless there's some third party software that adds SMT optimization to these apps (GPU drivers for native case, cleverly hacked winelib opengl.dll by your rgl patch for Wine).
So Wine seems to be is fine with regards to its SMT support vs. apps in question, thus this bug is invalid. Finding a way to improve Wine/wineserver so WaitFor* usage won't cause excessive context switches is a good and valid thing to think about, but it is unrelated to this bug and should be discussed elsewhere (new bug rep, wine-devel mailing list, some other place).