--- Comment #14 from Paul "TBBle" Hampson 2009-05-10 03:55:36 --- "LC_CTYPE=ja_JP.utf8 make font.ok" in build/dlls/gdi32/tests barfs quite badly, while without LC_CTYPE set it passes fine.
I guess you mean test_bitmap_font_metrics? It passes with the wine jvgasys.fon, but fails with "font.c:810: Test failed: System(18): tm.tmWeight 400 != 700" with the _Windows_ jvgasys.fon (sourced from Windows XP x64). That's to be expected though, as a comment in the test notes that Wine's Japanese System font has the wrong weight (BOLD instead of NORMAL).
And certainly comparing WINEDEBUG=+font for notepad with Wine and Windows jvgasys.fon, I see the following differences:
Wine: trace:font:AddFontToList pix_h 18 charset 128 dpi 96x96 pt 14 trace:font:AddFontToList Adding bitmap size h 20 w 8 size 13 x_ppem 18 y_ppem 18 trace:font:OpenFontFace "/home/tbble/code/wine/wine/build-18044/loader/../fonts/jvgasys.fon"/(nil), 0, 18 x 18 trace:font:GetTextMetricsW text metrics: Weight = 700 FirstChar = 32 AveCharWidth = 7 Italic = 0 LastChar = 255 MaxCharWidth = 14 UnderLined = 0 DefaultChar = 128 Overhang = 0 StruckOut = 0 BreakChar = 32 CharSet = 128 PitchAndFamily = 21 -------------------- InternalLeading = 0 Ascent = 16 Descent = 2 Height = 18
Windows: trace:font:AddFontToList pix_h 18 charset 128 dpi 96x96 pt 12 trace:font:AddFontToList Adding bitmap size h 20 w 8 size 12 x_ppem 16 y_ppem 16 trace:font:OpenFontFace "/home/tbble/code/wine/wine/build-18044/loader/../fonts/jvgasys.fon"/(nil), 0, 16 x 16 trace:font:GetTextMetricsW text metrics: Weight = 400 FirstChar = 32 AveCharWidth = 7 Italic = 0 LastChar = 255 MaxCharWidth = 14 UnderLined = 0 DefaultChar = 128 Overhang = 0 StruckOut = 0 BreakChar = 32 CharSet = 128 PitchAndFamily = 01 -------------------- InternalLeading = 0 Ascent = 16 Descent = 2 Height = 18
Note that _both_ log: trace:font:WineEngCreateFontInstance L"System", h=16, it=0, weight=400, PandF=22, charset=128 orient 0 escapement 0
Which suggests at first glance to me that Wine is having to rescale the Wine-built 18pt jvgasys.fon file down to 16pt, while the Windows-source 16pt jvgasys.fon is fine.
As to what this means (is jvgasys.fon being generated wrong? Should Wine insist that it's actually 18pt, even if Windows applications expect 16pt System? Something else?) I'm not sure at this point.
Interestingly, changing ppem from 18 to 16 in fonts/ for jvgasys.fon produces the following: trace:font:AddFontToList pix_h 16 charset 128 dpi 96x96 pt 12 trace:font:AddFontToList Adding bitmap size h 18 w 8 size 12 x_ppem 16 y_ppem 16 and identical trace:font:OpenFontFace and trace:font:GetTextMetricsW results to the Windows jvgasys.fon. It also looks reasonable (although maybe slight small...)
Long story short, workaround for this bug is to replace Wine's jvgasys.fon with one from Windows, or one generated with 16ppem instead of 18ppem. They're not fixes though, since although Windows uses 16ppem for its font, its pix_h is the same as Wine's when Wine is at 18ppem. So possibly the font generation or conversion has issues, or some of the mismatched values are due to extra characters in Wine's jvgasys.fon compared to Windows (as mentioned in the gdi32 font.c unit test)