--- Comment #3 from Dan Kegel 2010-02-23 16:06:54 --- claims to have a workaround:
"The problem appears to be with the Wine implementation of iexplorer. The issue is you can click on the purchase button as often as you like, but it won’t take you to anywhere.
I’m running wine 1.1.5 and Fedora 10 Beta
My solution is thus:
Using your web browser in Linux (outside of wine) goto the Steam page and goto
Navigate to the game you wish to purchase and click on purchase, for example I’m buying Garrys Mod so I search for it and click purchase.
It then presents you with a Got Steam? popup.
With that window selected press Ctrl+U to view the source, you’re looking for a section like this:
class="gotSteam_yes" onmouseover="this.className='gotSteam_yes_ovr';" onmouseout="this.className='gotSteam_yes';" onclick="opener.location.href='steam://purchase/218'; window.close();"
Yes, I already have
Steam installed!
The important bit is the onclick section.
Copy the bit between the ” ’s ” so for my game, Garrys Mod, its:
This is a trigger for steam to navigate to the purchase game section.
Now we know where to get the game, we can instruct Internet Explorer in Wine to open it, the command for my setup is:
env WINEPREFIX=~/.wine wine "C:\Program Files\Internet Explorer\iexplore.exe" steam://purchase/218
This will then trigger Steam to load and prompt you with the purchase section. Job done. Its a bit of a pain, but how often do you buy games really?"