--- Comment #5 from Marcos GutiƩrrez Batz --- I'm one of the developers of a CLI/GUI aplication.
We have a programing language and generate a binary intermediate file with our compiler. We can then execute the intermediate file with an interpreter in diferent platforms (semthing like Java).
We have a text based interpreter that has always worked in Windows (DOS box)/ Unix and Linux.
We implemented a Graphical interpreter based in the Win32 API (Windows). So now we are using a WineLib compiled interpreter to execute the graphical interpreter in Linux. This interpreter uses the normal Linux code for threads, files sytem handling... and just using the the Windows code for the Graphical part.
Having said that we execute the application like that:
$ app.exe intermedite_filename
app.exe has to open the intermediate file, but as the current directory has been reset the file can't be opened (the full path has to be specified)
One workaround is to modify the app.exe wrapper and add "/start" option, but every time we compile the program the wrapper need to be modified.