--- Comment #16 from Mac Molder 2013-06-09 14:37:07 CDT --- Just to learn something that might help I tried the dependency walker (from wine debug channels wiki).
I am not sure I am using it correctly or if I am, then curiously, most of the dll calls are incorrect: for example I have a call
LoadLibraryW("C:\users\mac\local settings\application data\apex\pennygirl\game\PENNYG_Data\Managed\System.dll.dll") returned NULL. Error: Module not found (126).
Directory above has System.dll, but the call above adds one more .dll to it and then says its not found ?? Almost all dll's have the same error.
It has the following errors from winemac.drv:
GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "GetAsyncKeyState") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE0A6 and returned NULL. Error: Procedure not found (127). GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "LoadKeyboardLayout") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE116 and returned NULL. Error: Procedure not found (127). GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "RegisterHotKey") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE14E and returned NULL. Error: Procedure not found (127). GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "UnloadKeyboardLayout") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE186 and returned NULL. Error: Pro cedure not found (127).GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "UnregisterHotKey") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE1A2 and returned NULL. Error: Procedu re not found (127).GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "CreateCursorIcon") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE1DA and returned NULL. Error: Procedu re not found (127). GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "GetDC") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE42C and returned NULL. Error: Procedure not foun d (127). GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "ReleaseDC") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE46A and returned NULL. Error: Procedure not found (127). GetProcAddress(0x42710000 [WINEMAC.DRV], "ScrollDC") called from "USER32.DLL" at address 0x406BE489 and returned NULL. Error: Procedure not f ound (127).
And plenty of font errors from GDIPLUS: GetProcAddress(0x59430000 [GDIPLUS.DLL], "GdipCreateFontFamilyFromNameW") called from "MONO.DLL" at address 0x10007A56 and returned NULL. Error: Procedure not found (127).
It also complains about not finding Alsa : LoadLibraryW("winealsa.drv") called from "MMDEVAPI.DLL" at address 0x5808850C. LoadLibraryW("winealsa.drv") returned NULL. Error: Module not found (126). LoadLibraryW("wineoss.drv") called from "MMDEVAPI.DLL" at address 0x5808850C. LoadLibraryW("wineoss.drv") returned NULL. Error: Module not found (126).
But should Alsa exist in Mac at all ?
Anyway, I am quite green on wine mac debugging, but i would gladly learn more, so if you could give me a pointer to where to go from here, i would try to narrow this more. I think the incorrect reference comes from mono, could there be some fundamental error in Mac version calling Mono, like adding the extra .dll ?