--- Comment #13 from 2010-06-16 06:10:10 --- (In reply to comment #7)
No, there's no way to do that, the desktop configuration takes precedence. It's not clear to me why you don't want it in Wine if you have it for all other apps, any specific reason?
Yes, as you can see currently wine's subpixel rendering differs significantly from the rest of the desktop (to me it looks very blurry), so I'd rather disable subpixel rendering altogether than use it as-is. If it were the same as the rest of my desktop that would be okay too.
Perhaps the fonts your copy of Wine is using don't look that great with subpixel rendering. Just for testing what happens if you select the same font in Wine as your desktop is using? Does it look the same then?
So what are your feelings on this? Does it look like 'intended behaviour'? Would you consider this an 'improvement' (take a look especially at the screenshot in bug #23114) ? Would you say that wine's fonts 'don't look that great' or are you more inclined to describe this as 'wine's fonts look absolute horrible, something should be done about this!'?