--- Comment #44 from Jonas Maebe 2011-06-17 06:26:11 CDT --- (In reply to comment #43)
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Hook up Mac OS X joysticks to DirectInput event queue
Here's the aforementioned patch.
Applied the above patch to a pristine wine-1.3.22
For completeness sake: I only tested with 1.3.17. I'm not updating because of bug 27156
The Mac OS X joystick code has not changed between 1.3.17 and git head though.
GOG release of RedBaron / RedBaron 3D (wherein the former title is hoisted on DosBox and the latter is a standalone app) ; no improvement in either, joystick events still not being recognized... (in the dosbox case with the -startmapper cli switch, it's apparent no joystick events are being seen by dosbox still)
Steam release of IL-2: Sturmovik 1946 -- this app now *does* see the joystick, but it had little idea what to do with the digital throttle.
It's strange that previously it didn't see the joystick and now it does. I did not change anything whatsoever to the joystick detection code (and as mentioned in my original message, in my case the gamepad was already seen before I applied my patch).
(I have the GOG release of this title as well, which I've yet to check). One would need be careful prejudging results with flight-sims ; a single X/Y axis joystick really isn't enough to fly a 'real' plane with, and some flight sims are hardcoded to expect to see rudder bars/pedals ... point is, the hardcoded config and what your HID offers don't always make sense, and often there's little scope to remap things to your liking...
The current joystick code can report up to six regular axes (X, Y, Z, and then "rotation" variants of those same axes), an "unlimited" number of additional axes (translated from HID "slider" controls), and an "unlimited" number of POV (point-of-view) controls. "Unlimited" in this context means "as long as the total number of controls, including buttons, is <= 127".