--- Comment #179 from Panama Craig 2012-03-12 21:46:44 CDT --- (In reply to comment #170)
(In reply to comment #169)
The install went through and I renamed the and the LoadingScreen.jpg files to be preceded with the extension ".bak". From here I loaded the game and am now stuck at a black screen.
Don't rename that files, it is not needed anymore, and you will not know if you have render problems (like hash and tonedef) or something else, also try take look at comment #155 and #163 maybe it is related to your issue.
I know what my problem is... It is that I compiled wine and git under gcc 4.6 instead of 4.5.2 or .3 ... I need to recompile them both, but I don't know how to do that. Here is where I left off at last night before giving up completely.
I just downloaded and extracted gcc 4.5.2 into my /home/*username*/gcc-4.5.2/ then cd'd to that folder in the terminal and performed the commands to compile gcc-4.5.2 into the system. Also did a sudo make and sudo make install on gcc-4.5.2... So now when I recompile wine-git I should be able to use 4.5.2 instead of 4.6, but where I am stuck at is finding out how to just recompile wine-git... Do I need to remove wine-git before I recompile it? Or do I just recompile over it? Do I need to specify that wine-git be compiled with 4.5.2 instead of 4.6 since I now have both? What are the commands to do all this? Do I need to compile wine all over again as well, not just git?