--- Comment #1 from Dave --- I did some more research and found that the OLEPictureImpl_get_hpal with a type of 3 indicates: ... 69(v=vs.85).aspx.
This goes along with the error I think is the root of the problem: the ipicture set hpal fails as shown in the log. This returns a palette of zero which is associated with the picture. I assume that the connection fails because no palette was assigned. According to the log the ipicture set hapl is " unimplemented for type 3". This would indicate to me that wine is missing the code to handle the ipicture set hpal with a type of 3. Where is this code?
If my research is correct, this is what is not implemented: PICTYPE_ICON 3 The picture type is an icon. When this value occurs in the PICTDESC structure, it means that the icon field of that structure contains the relevant initialization parameters.
When the ipciture set hpal fails for this type (icon) then the return value is null. No wonder the connect fails - null values.