--- Comment #2 from Luke Bratch 2008-06-16 18:39:52 --- Patrick, please post in Bugzilla instead of replying to wine-bugs. Email read:
"Not as big a problem as before now Wine (1.0rc4) will only open the window of Goldwave.exe in Xinerama screen 0, and if I drag the window over to screen 1 (right-hand side monitor), then close and re-open the program, Wine still opens in screen 0 only.
The child window opens, but it's hidden under the main window. In MS Windows (WIn 98, 2000, and XP) the child window always remained on top. Not a big issue, really, since I can find the child window by hiding it and re-showing it (a menu option in this program).
I'm satisfied with the improvements in Wine 1.0rc{2,3,4}, and I also know that letting my window manager (KDE) manage Wine-opened programs has been in Wine for several releases now. This bug can safely be closed.
Thank you for your assistance, P.Read"