--- Comment #13 from YuriiS 2009-09-04 04:03:27 --- After 'winetricks cc508' on wine 1.1.29
The error occurs when i choosing the calendar.
CheckBox works well.
When i digits of date changed manually (without calendar) all works well to. For example: I change manually DateTimePicker to 12.12.2012 And through VLC i recive 12.12.2012 And through WinAPI i recive 12.12.2012
But when i changed date in DateTimePicker through WinApi (DATETIME_SetSystemTime) - through VLC i recive wrong date (recive through WinApi DATETIME_GetSystemTime works well) For example: I change through WinAPI DateTimePicker from 12.12.2012 to 10.10.1999 And through VLC i recive 12.12.2012 And through WinAPI i recive 10.10.1999