--- Comment #16 from rawfox ---
Question : Which is the right command to install corefonts and dxvk with winetricks ? I read 'winetricks dxvk' but this doesnt work with winetricks from wine-staging, the first parameter cant be an application list
Sounds like your winetricks command is out of date, can that be possible ?
I got mine from the git here Thats cloned to my /home/rawfox/src/winetricks directory, from where i linked it to /usr/local/bin.
There is also a distribution package of winetricks, maybe its just too old as the winetricks updates fairly often. You want uninstall the distribution winetricks package before using winetricks from git.
The correct command should be indeed just "winetricks corefonts" or "winetricks dxvk" or "winetricks corefonts dxvk" but you can open the winetricks window just by calling "winetricks" from the commandline.
/home/you/.wine is the default prefix and if you did not export anything else, all wine related actions should affect that prefix.
Your CPU is fine, im on a fx8150, but what is your gfx drivers ?
Im on Nvidia and get my driver from here; The problem with this is, i had to uninstall the distro supported driver and install this vulkan drivers while booting the PC into runlevel 3 and started the install as root from bash. Nontheless i hear from other users they use the default Nvidia driver /shrug