--- Comment #7 from Jason ---
Now, if only sound and video playback was smooth it would all be perfect.
Well, I can't get it smooth in VirtualBox no matter what I do (but nor can I get USB2 DVB-T TV tuners to deliver their TS streaming data without corruptions, even by rebuilding V.Box and setting its Windows priority to Real-Time... Yep, I've jumped through *all* the hoops now... Anyone in the know, just try and alter the priority of a running, hardened, V.Box instance!)
I have had success with Wine on "real hardware" in altering start and end timestamps of samples to -1 after an audio decoder codec in Direct Show has decoded audio into WAV format being passed to the Wine audio renderer. I assume in this mode (looking at the code) Wine doesn't attempt to fix any issues, which causes smoothness issues in playback.
Luckily, I already drop audio to keep sync. since I don't rely on Windows-DX to do so. It's not perfect, but most of the time it's Ok. There's still some tearing in the VMR9 video presentation, on real hardware, despite me using the video refresh signals from DX to coordinate frame painting.
I don't seem to get any fix-me's with the video-retrace interrupt tests... Is that implemented properly? I've not looked... Video tearing is a minor issue. Though it is annoying, given the work I've done to prevent it. :)