--- Comment #85 from Sebastiaan Blommers 2012-01-10 03:35:28 CST --- Ok, that's very informative! .. I noticed this difference between the client_settings.ini files. No idea of it brings us anything.
Original on WinXP and Win7 [Renderer] D3DFullScreen = true Height = 900 NativeHeight = 1080 NativeWidth = 1920 TextureAnisotropy = 16 Width = 1600 WindowX = 0 WindowY = 0 MeshLODQuality = 1 SpeedTreeDistanceScale = 1. doShadows = false FullScreen = true FarClipScale = 25. VerticalSyncState = false EnableBloom = true TextureQuality = 0 UseMinSpecShaders = false PlantDensity = 100 doBlobShadows = true
[Game] MoviesFolder = ....\Movies SwtorRegKey = SOFTWARE\BioWare\Star Wars - The Old Republic
Now the one that is created using Wine (it's limited compared to): [Renderer] D3DFullScreen = true EnableBloom = false Height = 768 NativeHeight = 720 NativeWidth = 1280 RefreshRate = 120 TextureQuality = 1 UseMinSpecShaders = true VerticalSyncState = true Width = 1024 WindowX = 0 WindowY = 0
My tought: could it be that the swtor.exe process is trying to read the last known configuration (the character/account ini files are also there) but cannot complete the initial phase of the client_setting therefore canceling the other routines?