------- Additional Comments From 2003-09-08 22:19 ------- -pipe sets up a pipe between stages (vs. using temp files). The advantage of using a pipe is speed, and security (yes, security).
As for #12 Marcus, you confuse me in two ways. First I believe you are trying to say _I_ have to compile wine in a special way because of interlocked functions? I have no idea what you mean by that heh. This is the default build. If using the default, or common (in this case, -pipe is very common), options cause the compile to fail, it's a bug imho :-). Now if that is a bug in the compiler or the source, remains to be determined.
As for -pipe not affecting the compile, _something_ must be wrong because if that were truely the case, this bug would not exist :-)
Another point to make is that this _did_ work. I've rolled rpms using the same spec file several times. Infact I think the file originaly came from Red Hat 7.3.