--- Comment #26 from Mike 2008-09-26 07:28:34 --- (In reply to comment #25)
I get the game working with mixing Wine and Cedega :
/home/mathieu/.cedega/war (is cedega directory for war )
/home/mathieu/.cedega/war/c_drive/war (is link to /home/data/winewar/c_drive/Warhammer Online/)
/home/data/winewar (is wine warhammer Prefix)
if i run wine (WINEPREFIX=/home/data/winewar wine warpacher.bin)
patcher.bin work (with i key) game launch but no texture to characters
if i run cedega (cedega)
patcher.bin wark but say "error when launching war.exe"
if i run (WINEPREFIX=/home/data/winewar cedega )
the patcher launch the game, and the characters are textured (still some bug textures on the floor or on some skills)
if i can help, doing log or debug, i do it with fun, just say me the command.
Yes please debug, but post the files on pastebin and link them here.