--- Comment #115 from Eddy Y. 2009-06-18 04:17:15 --- (In reply to comment #114)
(In reply to comment #113)
(In reply to comment #110)
Should be fixed in current git by 2c009e4d874722c1a7b50b1c0ecf7a7eaa3e9002.
I am fairly new to git.
How do I get that specific 'changeset'?
"git show 2c009e4d874722c1a7b50b1c0ecf7a7eaa3e9002" will show you the specific patch, but if you just checkout today's git it will have that patch included.
In this case, I have built the correct source, and I would like to report the following problems.
Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty AMD64 ATI Radeon HD 3450 Catalyst 9.6
Registry settings are set as follows:
[Software\Wine\Direct3D] "DirectDrawRenderer"="opengl" "OffscreenRenderingMode"="fbo" "PixelShaderMode"="enabled" "VertexShaderMode"="hardware"
(I understand that tme MAX_* values need not be set with Catalyst 9.6. Is this correct?)
1. Adapter reported as Radeon 9500 in EVE Online. I believe it showed as Direct3D HAL before that.
2. Station models are not showing.