--- Comment #2 from Lorenzo Ferrillo --- Ok I thinkered a bit around comctl32
The component is the dialogClass sublass. If I prevent the function override in THEMING_Initialize all works, even if I let the class re-register. (The othe class WC_SCROLLBARW, doens't seem to be used at all in my use case so I can't test).
However the same existance of the class.lpfnWndProc override cause issues, even if all what it's done in the overrider function (THEMING_DialogSubclassProc) is to return THEMING_CallOriginalClass (hWnd, msg, wParam, lParam);
The code that set the override is this.
originalProcs[i] = class.lpfnWndProc; class.lpfnWndProc = subclassProcs[i];