--- Comment #13 from Robin L 2009-03-01 03:21:15 --- (In reply to comment #12)
Please also compare exactly what files (and maybe registry keys) are installed on Windows when you do this. InCtrl5 might be helpful there; it's a free download from,4149,9882,00.asp The InCtrl5 text logs would be useful for building a yawt regression test for the trial, if somebody feels up to it.
I installed Photoshop CS4 trial on Windows and in Wine (1.1.14). You can download the InCtrl5 logs here: Windows: Wine:
Now I tried to run Photoshop from Wine, Windows and the portable version again, but all crash wile "initializin panels..." with this error:
Unhandled exception: unimplemented function gdiplus.dll.GdipMeasureDriverString called in 32-bit code (0x7b845923).
I think I forgot to do something after I deleted my .wine folder.