--- Comment #6 from 2008-06-02 05:37:07 --- Hi,
I have the latest ubuntu repository installed, that is version 0.9.59-0-ubuntu5. Obviously wine has made a great step since then, but there is still mystic in it:
There is a wine.desktop in "~/.local/share/applications". I patched the Exec line and it now looks like this: ---------------------------------- [Desktop Entry] Comment[de]= Comment= Exec=wine start /unix %f GenericName[de]= GenericName= MimeType=application/x-ms-dos-executable;application/x-executable; Name[de]=Wine Windows-Emulator Name=Wine Windows-Emulator StartupNotify=true Terminal=false TerminalOptions= Type=Application X-DBUS-StartupType= X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false X-KDE-Username= ------------------------------------------
There is still the problem that start needs to be root and consequently the files above disabled wine to open anything. Is there something wrong with "start"?
I think, despite the little start thing, a tiny additional command line parameter needs 10 minutes to be coded and won't disturb anyone who doesn't need it. It's just a "nice-to-have".