--- Comment #8 from Alessandro 2007-12-31 12:00:29 --- Futher investigation brought me to this : php_winbinder.dll create an hAppIstance on init using
file WinBinder-0.46.0/csource/core/wb/wb_winsys.c : line 86 [code] hAppInstance = GetModuleHandle(NULL); [/code]
when creating window this hAppInstance is passed to
file WinBinder-0.46.0/csource/core/wb/wb_window.c : line 183 [code] CreateWindowEx( dwExStyle, pszClass, szWindowName, dwStyle ? dwStyle : DEFAULT_WIN_STYLE, xPos == WBC_CENTER ? xPos : (xPos < 0 ? CW_USEDEFAULT : xPos), yPos == WBC_CENTER ? yPos : (yPos < 0 ? CW_USEDEFAULT : yPos), nWidth <= 0 ? CW_USEDEFAULT : nWidth, nHeight <= 0 ? CW_USEDEFAULT : nHeight, pwboParent ? pwboParent->hwnd : NULL, NULL, hAppInstance, NULL); [/code]
but hAppInstance is set to 0x0 on wine, while on winXP i get a real pointer to the handle.
am I wrong ?