--- Comment #16 from 2011-07-25 06:51:39 CDT --- In case it wasn't noticed, I _was_ installing dotnet20. In your honour, I repeated the clean ~/.wine, and ran winetricks gecko corefonts vcrun6 dotnet20 winetricks -q dotnet20 It complained of some weirdo malayan/punjabi font so I found _that_ on the system and got rid of it. It still complained about it :-/. Then we repeated the saga - unzipped, unchecking the 'start autorun' ran WINEDEBUG=+msi wine setup.exe /confirmCriticalWarnings ran for 2 hours consuming 100% cpu and barfed on PICC-LITE installer. Step 5 or 6 of 34
If it needs dotnet20, it has dotnet20, and has had all along, if you search this page for dotnet20 it will be evident.!208 & click on 26010_debug_250711.txt.bz2