--- Comment #10 from TOM --- I suspect is the patch "ntdll-Junction_Points/0017-server-Properly-handle-file-symlink-deletion.patch". After applying "0017-server-Properly-handle-file-symlink-deletion.patch" and fix applying issue, The issue occur.
But I need to fix the patch "server-File_Permissions/0002-server-Allow-to-open-files-without-any-permission-bi.patch" to apply "ntdll-Junction_Points/0017-server-Properly-handle-file-symlink-deletion.patch", I can not determine which cause this issue. I just know these two patch change cause this issue.
The attachment is the way that I fix "0002-server-Allow-to-open-files-without-any-permission-bi.patch" just revert some change that cause issue.
I hope this may help you.