--- Comment #14 from Julio Fernandez 2008-02-11 08:29:23 --- After speaking with wine devs, it seems it's not feasible/could make some other applications to stop to work, if we 'hack' wine to return 4 instead 0.
For those not willing/able to build wine from source (quite uncomfortable too, considering wine release cycle), theres another way to apply the workaround, without having to touch wine at all:
patch the file d3dx9_30.dll at offset 4c6fb, where there is a '02' replace it for '00', save it and it's done
As a reference the offset list from 4c6f0 before the change should read:
00 00 00 f6 45 f8 50 74 0f 83 fe 02 73 56 b8 57
File d3dx9_30.dll is part of DirectX dll's, typically you have already put a copy of it in your Linux EQ game directory, if not make a copy from your windows install partition (usually found at <windows>/system32 folder with all other DX files) on your Linux game directory and modify the copy.
To patch the file you can use any binary editor (ghex as example -be careful, the program itself is called ghex2 instead-)
Changing d3dx9_30.dll linux EQ local copy won't affect any other application and will skip you from 'patching' wine source after each release you want to upgrade to.