--- Comment #5 from Ambro 2007-12-15 14:20:15 --- I'm 100% sure this commit that breaks it, and that I compiled it properly. And it really works with builtins. I explicitly tried one revision before and the broken one.
If I don't use -DUSE_WIN32_OPENGL, the backtrace has a bit more information.
Here's the commands I used to compile it:
SRCFOLDER=wine COPYDEST="/home/ambro/wined3d-BROKEN"
rm -rf wine-tools wine-pe && mkdir wine-tools wine-pe && cd wine-tools && ../${SRCFOLDER}/configure && make depend && make -j3 tools && cd ../wine-pe && CFLAGS="-DUSE_WIN32_OPENGL" ../${SRCFOLDER}/configure --with-wine-tools=../wine-tools --host=mingw32 && cd libs/port && make && cd ../wine && make && cd ../../dlls/wined3d && make && cd ../d3d8 && make && cd ../d3d9 && make && cd ../../.. &&
mkdir -p "$COPYDEST" cd wine-pe cp libs/wine/libwine.dll "$COPYDEST" cp dlls/wined3d/wined3d.dll "$COPYDEST" cp dlls/d3d8/d3d8.dll "$COPYDEST" cp dlls/d3d9/d3d9.dll "$COPYDEST" cd ..