------- Additional Comments From 2007-21-06 02:23 ------- Alexander, what Vitaliy once said should be probably translated into Henri Verbeet's comment:
| Those applications will break in exactly the same way on Windows.
And here are proves: [2][3]. To work around this you probably are supposed to download DxSDK and to extract required DLLs from it. As it is in Windows, as in Wine. Right?
And with making users' world better by creating opensrc dlls replacement the question IMHO is whether Wine project needs to make a additional law analysis, as the dlls could perhaps impact MS business / cross MS license. So separate project would be the safe way for Wine. Still, as no one have started doing this, it seems the easiest way for devs is to download Dx (DxSDK).
Did I miss something in my summary? :)
[2] [3]