--- Comment #1 from Dan Kegel 2009-03-21 19:27:52 --- That one's because Wine's implementation of FindFirstChangeNotification requires the app to do a directory scan, which most apps do, but this unit test doesn't. You can skip past this failure with --gtest_filter=-DirectoryWatcherTest.*
The next problem was ReadOnlyFileUtilTest.ContentsEqual which fails and crashes because it's missing some data files. I have reuploaded a new tarball that includes the needed data files plus the source. New procedure: wget tar -xzvf base_unittests.tgz wine chrome/Debug/base_unittests.exe
The next problem that keeps the test from giving a result is ProcessUtilTest.EnableLFH which dies with wine: Call from 0x48e36c to unimplemented function KERNEL32.dll.HeapQueryInformation, aborting
You can skip both fatal errors with --gtest_filter=-DirectoryWatcherTest.*:ProcessUtilTest.EnableLFH
After that, the tests run to completion, with the following failures: [ FAILED ] FileUtilTest.CountFilesCreatedAfter [ FAILED ] FileUtilTest.ReplaceIllegalCharactersTest [ FAILED ] HMACTest.HmacSafeBrowsingResponseTest [ FAILED ] HMACTest.RFC2202TestCases [ FAILED ] HMACTest.HMACObjectReuse [ FAILED ] PEImageTest.EnumeratesPE [ FAILED ] SharedMemoryTest.Lock [ FAILED ] StatsTableTest.StatsCounterTimer [ FAILED ] StatsTableTest.StatsRate [ FAILED ] StatsTableTest.StatsScope [ FAILED ] StringUtilTest.ConvertBetweenCodepageAndWide [ FAILED ] BaseWinUtilTest.FormatMessageW [ FAILED ] WMIUtilTest.TestLocalConnectionSecurityBlanket [ FAILED ] WMIUtilTest.TestLocalConnectionNoSecurityBlanket [ FAILED ] WMIUtilTest.TestCreateClassMethod [ FAILED ] WMIUtilTest.TestLaunchProcess [ FAILED ] WordIteratorTest.BreakWord [ FAILED ] WordIteratorTest.BreakLine
Each of these can be run individually, e.g. --gtest_filter=WordIteratorTest.BreakLine