--- Comment #7 from jghodd --- The easiest place to start is probably with msctfp.dll.fake which is the only file in the build directory that pops positive:
Object '/home/jghodd/Downloads/wine-staging2/src/wine-staging-32-build/dlls/msctfp/msctfp.dll.fake' is infected with 'Gen:Adware.Heur.aq4@1meDUAh'
This file has a block of binary at the top of the file and the rest of the file is text. The text looks like this:
NoRemove Interface { '{101D6610-0990-11D3-8DF0-00105A2799B5}' = s 'ITfFunctionProvider' { NumMethods = s 6 ProxyStubClsid32 = s '{B5F8FB3B-393F-4F7C-84CB-504924C2705A}' } '{E4B24DB0-0990-11D3-8DF0-00105A2799B5}' = s 'IEnumTfFunctionProviders' { NumMethods = s 7 ProxyStubClsid32 = s '{B5F8FB3B-393F-4F7C-84CB-504924C2705A}' } .......
None of the object files nor the file pop positive. Just this one. I'll attach it.