--- Comment #3 from C0rn3j --- Despite obliterating the whole folder, upon executing winetricks dotnet45
I get a message that dotnet45 is already installed, and some things seem to error out on .NET missing functions, am I misunderstanding how winetricks work? I thought it just installs itself into the wine bottle and wiping the folder would wipe everything.
Also tried removing .cache/winetricks to no avail.
I installed corefonts into the bottle and swapped to XP, after which steam ran on normal WINE. After switching back to 7 it doesn't run anymore though, I have to stay on XP. I believe that my old bottle was capable of launching devel wine just fine with W7.
Despite these 2 issues, Killing Floor 2 runs on wine-devel 2.9, so this issue is indeed limited to wine-staging(I tried running it on staging 2.9 multiple times after installing corefonts again, failed).