--- Comment #13 from Eric Pouech --- (In reply to mushu from comment #12)
(In reply to Eric Pouech from comment #9)
Method 3 can solve the problem. Why is that so?
these .pdb files contain symbolic debug information, which are loaded by dbghelp likely something goes wrong it this process
Because my program encountered a stack overflow issue, but previously, this issue was resolved by deleting the PDB file, which resulted in the inability to print function information when an exception occurred. Now, I have to address this problem. How should I analyze it?
from #12, the following lines 079c:fixme:dbghelp_msc:codeview_get_type Returning NULL symt for type-id 11fe 079c:fixme:dbghelp_msc:pdb_global_feed_types S-Udt "tagDHCP4RShellCallbackSet": couldn't find type 0x11fe 079c:fixme:dbghelp_msc:codeview_get_type Returning NULL symt for type-id 10a4 079c:fixme:dbghelp_msc:pdb_global_feed_types S-Udt "_CMSCBB_CALLBACK_FUNCS": couldn't find type 0x10a4 079c:fixme:dbghelp_msc:codeview_get_type Returning NULL symt for type-id 113c1 079c:fixme:dbghelp_msc:pdb_global_feed_types S-Udt "cmscbb_ctx_create_params_st": couldn't find type 0x113c1 079c:fixme:dbghelp_msc:codeview_get_type Returning NULL symt for type-id 11457 079c:fixme:dbghelp_msc:pdb_global_feed_types S-Udt "cmscbb_sys_plantform_funcs_st": couldn't find type 0x11457 079c:trace:dbghelp_symt:symt_new_compiland Adding compiland symbol L"winosp":"* CIL *" also show some issues with type management (and that's likely the same cause as the one that triggers the assertion)
some options: - comment out the assert() clause in dbghelp/symbol.c (the patch attached the other bug issue mentionned in #7 would likely do). If the crash doesn't involve the symbols which have type issue, you could get further in the backtrace. - if you can recompile the failing program (winosp.exe), you can try to relink it without incremental linking (/INCREMENTAL:NO iirc the option). In some cases incremental linking generates some complex constructs that Wine dbghelp doesn't fully support, - is the failing program (winosp.exe + attached .pdb files) available somewhere? If possible, I'd like to investigate the .pdb files (but these can contain some sensitive information)