--- Comment #5 from Toni --- this seems to be the interesting bit:
0036:trace:d3dcompiler:compilation_message :1:17: error: syntax error, unexpected KW_CBUFFER 0036:trace:d3dcompiler:compile_shader Compiler messages: 0036:trace:d3dcompiler:compile_shader ":1:17: error: syntax error, unexpected KW_CBUFFER\n" 0036:trace:d3dcompiler:compile_shader Shader source: 0036:trace:d3dcompiler:compile_shader "# 1 "" 1\ncbuffer MyCB : register(b0) {\n\tfloat4x4 worldMatrix;\n}\nvoid VS (float3 pos : POSITION, float4 color : COLOR, out float4 ocolor : COLOR, out float4 opos : SV_Position) {\n\topos = mul (worldMatrix, float4(pos,1));\n\tocolor = color;\n}\nfloat4 PS (float4 color : COLOR) : SV_TARGET {\n\t"... 0036:err:d3dcompiler:compile_shader HLSL shader parsing failed.