--- Comment #33 from --- If you delete the ProgramData/ folder on a windows 10 install, the file ocsp-782a8a710b950421127250a3e91b751ca356e202-0.bmime is generated/copied when launches and then a whole bunch of other .bmime files associated with various games are generated along with 2 cert***.bmime files. On Linux, the oscp file is not generated/copied and if you watch the cache directory, the 2 cert files are created and deleted multiple times. If you copy over the ocsp bmime file from a working Win 10, on launch all the other bmime game files and the 2 certs are created and remain in the directory. If you then attempt to download a game, it is fine right up when it needs to do the final update. At this point the hard crashes (logs are found in users/youruser/AppData/local/ as well Agent.exe starts crashing again.