--- Comment #7 from Alessandro 2007-12-30 22:36:03 --- Check comment 6
Apart from the exe I attached here I tried to use the Hello World example included in WinBinder (that what's used in that app) step to reproduce the log from comment 6
1) download php 4 from 2) extract php somewhere 3) add php path (where you extracted it) to windows path (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment\Path) 4) go inside the php directory 5) download 6) extract it 7) copy binaries/php4/ext/php_winbinder.dll to extensions dir inside the php directory 8) copy php.ini-dist to php.ini 9) edit php.ini set extension_dir to the path (windows style) of your extensions dir (where you copied php_winbinder.dll to) e.g. extension_dir = "c:\php\extensions";
10) go inside the directory where you unpacked WinBinder 11) cd phpcode/examples 12) WINEDEBUG=win wine php minimal.phpw
(This will show an hello world example on windows, but fails on wine)
There you find also the source code of WinBinder ^^
I hope this will move to the bug I see. :-P
(In reply to comment #5)
There are few embedded dlls in this file: php_socket.dll and php_winbinder.dll. As far as I understand, the main executable extracts them into currect directory and loads. But I can see only images extracted.
I tried to get them by myself using ResHacker and ResourceEditor. I got them, but they do not look like valid dll files (no MZ signature). ResHacker warned me that they are compressed. I do not know how DLL files are represented as a resources, but I suspect there is something wrong...
Those dll are compressed by the but I moved deep investigating and I've found that it's not "bambalam" making it wrong, but something else
BTW, the files he need are created in windows\temp (name php.<random_chars> after the decompression