--- Comment #5 from 2010-10-16 23:57:07 CDT --- Here is the log which was created and it ended with the 100 percent cpu. Thing to note is that intially, it was doing fine which confused me [3 cpu]. I waited and kept my eye on uTorrent.exe cpu usage. When it struck 100cpu and stayed there, I left it to run like to to capture the maximum data possible. After I though it ran long enough, I decided to exit the application the normal way, simple right click on the tray icon and exit. Though it didn't quite quit the application, I had to sudo killall -9 uTorrent.exe to finish the job.
Below is the 'Terminal' logs/message from start to kill
[check attachment 'terminal log']
I went further created the back trace log but its wayyy tooo big 1.2gig!!!!