------- Additional Comments From 2006-18-08 04:05 ------- Ted, the need to use native windows mscvrt.dll clearly indicates some bug in Wine. Native core DLLs should not be needed here in ideal case at all.
So bug report is valid and bug is not fixed. Only its Summary field should be changed to something like this: "builtin MSVCRT makes dimension strings look wrong in TurboCAD LE".
Ted, would be so kind as to change state back from FIXED and to change summary, please? :)
Plus, it would be a nice step to run Wine with "msvcrt" debug channel enabled:
$ WINEDEBUG=+msvcrt wine .../tcw40.exe
Plus, inability of TurboCAD to self-extract and inability of TurboCAD 3D versions to run should be filed as separate bugs. NOTE: use latest Wine to test all your issues, please. (version 0.9.19 at the moment)