--- Comment #14 from --- There seems to be several versions of the exe.
fixme:d3dcompiler:compile_shader Compilation target "fx_2_0" not yet supported Dead deer crashes and gives that fixme line.
10 version crashes bit differently.
Suspecting this line.
fixme:d3dx:D3DX10CreateEffectFromMemory data 0x13c36d18, datasize 1405, filename (null), defines (nil), include (nil), profile "fx_4_0", hlslflags 0x404, fxflags 0, device 0x16acec, effectpool (nil), pump (nil), effect 0xa82a50, errors 0x2ee790, hresult (nil)
version 11 crash is unknown, the console output is a lot like some dx10/dx11 games which dont work yet.
There seems to be lots of different issues that feels to be dupes of other bugs that are already reported.
wine 1.9.21