--- Comment #3 from Janhouse 2009-08-30 13:46:14 --- (In reply to comment #2)
Demo doesn't crash here. Can you check if problem is present with demo? What joystick do you have? Attach output of +dinput.
I have 0e8f:0002 GreenAsia Inc. joystick (gamepad looks like playstation controler).
And even on wine 1.1.27 I have problems with it. I can start the game but it is not calibrated. In game left button does shooting, right button - alternative shooting, most buttons doesn't work at all and when I try to reconfigure the controler I can't because it seems it thinks that down button is pressed all the time.
jscal (calibration software) thinks I have 6 axis but actually there are only two and the rest are normal buttons (counted 10 (+1 "slow" button that automatically presses and releases start button)). After calibrating I can use it for linux games (I tested with nes emulator and seems like it recognized buttons pressed when monitoring "cat /dev/input/js0" output.) (Arethusa from IRC channel suggested me to write new bug report about this "buttons not calibrated in wine" problem.)
I am downloading demo. I will post as soon as I test it.