--- Comment #12 from 2012-09-18 10:57:41 CDT ---
Side note: are you using focus follows mouse, focus under mouse, or click to focus? I'm using focus follows mouse (i.e. the most recent window that I moused over is focused - e17 calls this "most recent window under mouse" or "sloppy" focus).
Click to focus.
I just had a thought: Technically we aren't losing focus but the game isn't resetting the cursor position (Or rawinput isn't, either way same result)
This would partially explain why the vdesktop one always locks: The virtual "Window" is never being "Triggered"
Also, regeditting mwo makes no difference.
I do notice differences between actual fullscreen and windowed fullscreen,
though. Windowed fullscreen allows me to alt+tab to different programs; with actual fullscreen, I have to switch to a different virtual desktop if I want to use other programs (alt+tab doesn't do any switching). At least, that's how it seemed to work when I tried the different modes a couple of days ago.
Nope, not that way here, but perhaps that's just a window manager thing. It could also be if the game is specifically pulling all inputs (Like SDL) but leaving <super> alone cause I use that for alt-tab.