--- Comment #13 from Esdras Tarsis --- (In reply to Zebediah Figura from comment #9)
(In reply to Guilherme S. from comment #7)
I'm not the OP, but in my Windows 10 installation (which is installed alongside Arch Linux, in the same computer), only the SystemBiosVersion key is present. Anyway, I've created them, ran the PUBG Lite Launcher and it still crashed, but after the wineserver process is finished, the keys I added are automatically removed by wine.
Ugh, right, that key is volatile. Presumably you should still be able to add the values and then run PUBG Lite so long as you keep the prefix alive between these (e.g. by just keeping regedit open); is this what you did?
00c6:00c7:trace:reg:open_key (0x44,L"SYSTEM\ControlSet001\Control\Class\{4D36E968-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\0000",2000000,0x140772e31) 00c6:00c7:trace:reg:open_key <- 0xc0 00c6:00c7:trace:reg:RegQueryValueExA (00000000000000C0,"DriverDesc",0000000000000000,0000000000000000,0000000140772E39,0000000140773039=512) 00c6:00c7:trace:reg:NtQueryValueKey (0xc0,L"DriverDesc",2,0x22fab0,256)
Did the ControlSet001 key you added contain a DriverDesc value?
If the answers to both questions are "yes", I guess the registry queries are probably a red herring...
I discovered a probable workaround to save volatile registry keys, run wineserver -w before closing regedit.