--- Comment #8 from --- Implausible as it might be, I worked around the problem by building keepass2 via msbuild provided by the mono-project. This would suggest the divide by zero was being requested by a keepass2 internal request based on the platform that it was build on.
(cd Build && sh msbuild KeePass.sln /p:"Platform=Mixed Platforms" /p:"Configuration=Release" /t:Clean,Build mkdir -p "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/keepass2" && find -regextype posix-extended -type f ( -iregex '.*/Build.*/Release.*(.exe|.config|.dll|.xml).*' ) -exec cp "{}" "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/keepass2" ;
Extract the source then shell navigate to the folder and use the commands to build the project and copy it to a default wine prefix. Or just run via mono. Anyone wishing to build a debian package can look into debuild/dget and use sid's latest version
sudo apt build-dep keepass2
sudo apt install $(apt -s install $(debuild -b -uc -us -j4 2>/dev/null | grep -Pio '(?<=dependencies: ).*' | perl -pe 's| (.+?)||g') | grep -Pio '(?<=^inst ).+?\s' | tr '\n' ' ')
The first build-dep will setup for current distro. The second gathers the missing package list, from a failed build attempt, and installs them if the're in the package management system. It's a quick and dirty way to build packages hosted by Debian on Ubuntu.