--- Comment #12 from Michael --- I thought that you asked this.
The first report (initial report) is from: OS: Arch Linux (attached backtrace) 4.19.38-1-lts nvidia-340xx-lts 340.107-20
The second trace (today) is from: 5.0.13-arch1-1-ARCH nvidia 418.74-1
Unfortunately Arch did an update in the meantime. Now the lts system is on: linux-lts 4.19.41-1 nvidia-340xx-lts 340.107-80
while the other system is on 5.0.13-arch1-1-ARCH nvidia 418.74-1
On both system kmj crashed no longer, but shows the attached screenshot.
Also, I think we have only a short time gap (unfortunately), because Arch will provide wine 4.8, kernel 5.1 and latest drivers, soon.
Maybe it's a good idea to wait for wine 4.8 and kernel 5.1 before continuing to hunt for the bug.