--- Comment #27 from Someone ---
Unless there is an actual memory leak there is not much we can do. Lowering graphic / texture settings might help (as you noticed), manually lowering the amount of video memory reported to the game (e.g. via the VideoMemorySize registry setting) is another possible option.
To lower it ? Do you mean the memory usage of the graphic card is related to the memory usage of the RAM when using wine ?
Everyone turn your graphics settings down, you'll be able to play longer without hitting the bug.
Yes that's actually the only workaround I found yet.
I saw that a similar bugged happened sometimes on windows with the same app...So now I wonder if it's only a wine bug or an App bug...
BTW how are you checking for the memory usage by the game process? What's your GPU model and video memory size?
ps aux | grep exe (or grep wine), free -m...Geforce GT 630, 2 GB graphic memory
Lowering the texture level and game details level make the bug become rare
(It seems setting the VideoMemorySize to the actual value of my graphic card make things worse than not setting it at all, with all apps...But maybe it's only a subjective impression ?)