--- Comment #11 from 2009-10-30 18:10:26 --- 1.1.18-19: Creatures 3 works 1.1.20: Creatures 3 shows an intro screen but then gives me an error dialog, no new error messages on the console 1.1.28-29: Creatures 3 shows an intro screen but then gives me an error dialog, OpenGL error messages on the console 1.1.30-32: Creatures 3 opens a blank window but then gives me an error dialog, OpenGL error messages on the console
The regression in 1.1.30 happens with Starcraft in 16 bit color mode as well: in 1.1.29 and lower it works (but gives the same console error messages as Creatures); in 1.1.30 and above the screen is black but I can tell it's still running because it makes sounds when I click in certain places.