--- Comment #3 from Joerg Schiermeier --- A fast shot into the night: ===========================
This comes closer but still needs work:
TEST data:
drop table if exists app; create table if not exists app ( Version char(40), Description char(100), Latest_Rating char(10), Latest_Wine_version_tested char(10), Test_results int, Comments int, PRIMARY KEY (Version) );
insert into app values ('1.0 (DOS)', 'Acrobat Reader 1.0 for DOS','Gold','1.5.12',4,0), ('10.x','Adobe Reader X','Silver','1.7.55',18,0), ('11.x','Introduces Extended tools, improved PDF Annotator, improved eSignatures.','Silver','3.11',26,0), ('2.x','Acrobat Reader 2','Garbage','5.0',3,0), ('3.x (16-bit)','Acrobat Reader 3 for Windows 3.1','Bronze','1.3.16',7,0), ('3.x (32-bit)','Acrobat Reader 3 for Windows 95 and later','Platinum','1.9.14',10,0), ('4.x','Acrobat Reader 4','Platinum','1.9.14',8,0), ('5.x','Acrobat Reader 5','Gold','1.9.14',6,0), ('6.x','Adobe Reader 6 for Windows 98SE, NT4 SP6 and later','Platinum','1.9.14',5,0), ('7.x','Adobe Reader 7 for Windows NT4 SP6 and later','Silver','5.0',7,0), ('8.x','Adobe Reader 8. Later versions include support for Windows Vista.','Platinum','1.9.14',14,0), ('9.x','Adobe Reader 9','Platinum','2.0.2',9,0), ('DC','Adobe Acrobat Reader DC for Windows 7 and later','Gold','7.0',16,17);
Here is the query adapted to the result table - not original the code from AppDB: select * from app order by cast(substring(version,locate(' ',version)+1) as signed), substring(version,-1);
See this:!9/e1c8c8/4/0