--- Comment #5 from Yorik van Havre 2011-04-01 09:47:58 CDT --- I use the nvidia driver, so this is probably not related... I suspect some character/encoding issue that makes the image data wrong, but need to investigate further.
Also there is this strange thing: when you build a model for google earth, you typically take the textures from google streetview (integrated in sketchup). When you are done, you export it to a .kmz file, that is the format read by google earth. A kmz file is nothing else that a zip file containing a .dae (collada) model and images used for textures. Normally, sketchup would crop and remap the streetview images before storing them in the kmz file.
When exporting the kmz file from sketchup running with wine, the textures are stored in the file, but uncropped and not remapped. So basically that whole operation is not done...
Anyway, that might be the same cause. I'll try to see better what's wrong with those image files...