--- Comment #11 from Nicklas Börjesson 2009-04-30 16:59:28 --- (In reply to comment #10)
Not critical. Read severity descriptions before changing it.
Minor = "For minor loss of functionality, or other problem where an easy workaround is present"
This is exactly what I meant earlier about the severity classifications. When they are applied to GUI-based end-user applications it become ridiculus. The screen is actually almost _pitch_black_ in one of the shots. Minor? I proposed "normal" in my comment earlier, i feel that is more reasonable.
How many users would accept that a _computer_graphics_ application behaves this way? Adobe would be the laughing stock of the business if it classified this bug as minor. GIMP too.
This is a total show stopper concerning the most central functionality of the program, almost equal to the application crashing on boot.