--- Comment #3 from NSLW 2009-09-21 01:32:34 --- (In reply to comment #1)
You should submit Grim Launcher into the AppDB: GF fans running wine would be glad to see it.
I already gave link for it in this bug report.
Also, if Grim Launcher worked in a previous wine version, add 'regression' to the keywords: and consider helping out by running a regression test to find which wine patch killed it!
It's not "Grim Launcher.exe" (version 1.3) but "Grim Fandango Launcher.exe" (version 1.5). Version 1.3 works for me and Version 1.5 doesn't work (tested on Wine-1.0.1 , 1.1.15, 1.1.29) so it definitely isn't a regression. Download and try it for yourself, then please say you've got the same problem and somebody will mark this bug as confirmed.
(In reply to comment #2)
Does this occur when starting launcher or starting game?
It occurs when starting launcher.